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British Columbia PNP modifies applicants’ point assignments

In order to account for NOC changes and the significance of human capital elements, the BCPNP amended its points system.

The British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BCPNP) modified the point allocations for applicants on November 16, 2021, by changing the points system.

To sum up, the following changes have been made to the points system, which is used to determine applicants’ eligibility for immigration under the permanent residence category in Express Entry-managed programs:

  • National Occupation Class (NOC) skill levels no longer count as points. The NOC system, which formerly used a TEER classification, is now the primary method of classifying jobs in Canada.

  • As a result, more points are now given to applicants’ human capital (skills, experience, education, and competencies) as well as economic considerations (job offer, income, district of work);

  • Professional titles and linguistic skills in both English and French have been given extra points;

  • For prior employment or academic experience outside of metropolitan Vancouver, points have been added.

The new table for point allocation reflects these modifications (still divided between human capital and economic factors):


Scoring choices

Max. possible


Human capital elements

Working Knowledge Specifically Related


Maximum Education Level


Linguistic ability (English or French)


Economic variables

The B.C. Job Offer’s Hourly Wage


Region of British Columbia.


Available total points


First Change: No points in accordance with Job Offer NOC

The elimination of points based on the NOC skill level of an applicant’s job offer is the first, and possibly most significant, modification to the new points allocation system.

Previously valued at up to 60 points based on the NOC, these points are now split between candidates’ economic and human capital components.

Second change: Redistributing the points

Since the NOC code of the employment offer no longer counts, every other economic or human capital factor has been given more weight:

  • Previously awarded 40 points, directly linked work experience is now worth a maximum of 60 points;

  • Maximum points for the highest education level are now 40 (formerly 25);

  • French or English language competency is now worth a maximum of 40 points (formerly 30,)

  • A maximum of 55 points (formerly 50) is now awarded for the hourly rate of the employment offer;

  • The maximum point total for a British Columbia (B.C.) location has increased from 10 to 25;

Third Change: Points for legitimate professional designations

The inclusion of 5 points that can be given to applicants who have appropriate professional designations is another modification to the way points are allocated for economic criteria. It also refers to certain occupations listed on page 56 of the BCPNP program handbook. This includes any current trade certificate held by SkilledTradesBC or Industry Training Authority British Columbia (ITABC).

Fourth Change: Ability in both French and English is now recognized, and the CLB Language criterion of 9 now obtains a full score.

Instead of 10, a Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) of 9 can now be used to reach the maximum score for language competence (30 points). Based on formal language exams, the CLB is Canada’s national standard for assessing language proficiency.

Another change is that candidates who possess both English and French proficiency will now receive an additional 10 points.

Fifth Change: Rebalanced the weighting to account for British Columbia’s location

The applicant’s district of work in British Columbia has undergone additional changes. Prior to the present scoring standards, several areas outside of Vancouver would be awarded a tier of points as follows:

  • 0 points for employment in the Vancouver metropolitan area;

  • 5 points are awarded for employment in the districts of Squamish, Abbotsford, Agassiz, Mission, and Chilliwack.

  • 15 points, for any unmentioned region of British Columbia.

Individuals with particular regional education or professional experience receive 10 extra points under the criteria (as opposed to the previous allocation for one year of any Canadian experience).

Sixth Change: Increased salary cap

A higher wage ceiling to get the maximum amount of points based on income was the last significant modification to the points criteria. Additionally, there are 5 extra points available for applicants here (55, previously 50).

Applicants who previously held a salary of $100,000 now only receive 33 points, as opposed to the previous maximum of 50 points, in this category; previously, an annual salary of $100,000 would guarantee an applicant the maximum number of points in this category; however, B.C. has adjusted this ceiling to an annual income of $145,000.

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